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Deepening into the wisdom of the heart
Last offered Israel 2015


'There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken,

A sorrow that leads to joy.

There is a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength,

An anger that births courageous passion.


We dance to reclaim our hearts wisdom.

We break open to the place inside which is unbreakable and whole;

Our heart sings through the sweat of our moving body.' - Sufi Rashani


Our heart holds a profound and innate intelligence. Deep love, longing and passion stirs within, pointing the way to our deepest potential. Our personal story can teach us to suppress, be overwhelmed by or avoid many of our feelings restricting our capacity to hear and follow the wisdom of our 'hearts voice'. The power of the energy bound up in this restriction can liberate into tremendous joy, aliveness and love of life when danced in community, witnessed, and held in a landscape of transparency, tolerance, compassion and mutual respect.


During this weekend you can expect to :-


  • Deepen your capacity to welcome joy, grief, anger and fear with tender and fierce compassion.

  • Strengthen your ability to sense into your body and move all that arises, personal and collective.

  • Learn to tenderly soften the closed places and resource places of overwhelm.

  • Practice opening and connecting to a deep ground of acceptance and compassion.

  • Dance in a ritual to honor and witness our grief and tears for our losses, loves, relationships and world.

Deepening and dancing together we will focus our collective energies on the territory of this enquiry through movement and words. This will be a Heartbeat level workshop and some experience of the 5 Rhythms, Movement Medicine or similar is essential.

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