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Last Offered Sylt, Germany 2018

‘Is it possible to make friends with our emotions? How can we learn to accept them fully, go towards them willingly and face them directly and fearlessly, so that their energy can become a force of awakening in our lives?’ John Welwood


How can challenge and crisis become a catalyst for emergence, transformative fuel for awakening and deepening wisdom? Such a shift asks a profound deepening of both yin and yang aspects of compassion, within us, and between us.


During this Movement Medicine weekend we will take time opening to yin kindness, hearing our hearts and dancing our feelings with tremendous tenderness, care and welcome. Receiving each other and spending time nourishing places where our hearts and bodies feel stretched. We will deepen our practice of yang kindness, warrior-like intention through enquiry into any belief structures that hold us captive in a victim perspective. Can these be freed up a little to allow more space for waking up to the magnificence of who we are, regardless of circumstance?


During this weekend we will dance lots, share, enquire, nourish and deepen together. Our work will be informed by Movement Medicine practice, enquiry and deep listening. It promises laughter, support, painful moments and deep openings.

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