A 10-week Online MOVEMENT MEDICINE Ongoing Journey
Last offered - November '21 - February '22
If you would like to organise another you are welcome to connect
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” Albert Camus
This 10 week online course spans the inward arc of our year in the northern hemisphere and includes the special moments of winter solstice and rebirth of a New Year. The inward arc is a time to pause, listen, deepen our roots, resource in a regular pulse of practice, and ever more connect to ‘the invincible summer of consciousness’. Our practice supports awakening of our inner witness and precision embodied awareness is evolved as we tend to the moment by moment choice to open our heart with warmth and huge quantities of patience to all that arises as we be with this wild time on planet earth.
We will gather together, gather inwards, reflect and give space to digest another stretching year. Deep dancing, wild moments, connection, inquiry and sharing with uplifting creative invitations will be our path.
Sessions 1 - 4 - Gathering, give space, deepening practice and connecting
Session 5 (Dec 21) Gathering in a simple Winter Solstice ceremony, resting in the fruitful darkness and calling back the light
Session 6 - Looking back and harvesting the fruits and medicine of 2021
Session 7 - Dreaming into our intentions and longings for 2022
Session 8 - Forming and ‘planting’ our dream seeds for 2022
Sessions 9, 10 - Celebrations, connection, digesting, integration
Weekday online practices with Jo Hardy's powerful music mixes
Weekly podcasts with Jo introducing the theme of the week.
Weekly live sessions will be recorded for those who wish to review or need to miss a sesssion.
Access to a private resource section of Jo's website to easily access the materials.